Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Plumbing and tractor fun!

 Grant was super excited tonight when we went out to check the (small amount) of progress on the house, to see that there was an UNATTENDED tractor! He was even more excited when I said "hey Grant, go sit on the wheel and I will take your picture" He says, "Mom will you really let me sit on it?" It was awesome!
 How freaking cute are these sweet boys!!

 There were still 2 workers that were sitting in their truck watching us do this. If they wouldnt have been there I would have let him get up in the tractor and sit in the seat. Maybe we will have another chance another day to let him do that. He would love that. Anyway, on to the house....
 We now have plumbing! YAY! I was explaining to Grant where the bathroom would be and the toilet would be hooked up, and he asks me, "So that tube is where our poop will go?" LOL I couldnt help but laugh. Yes buddy, that is correct!
In the top left corner is the utility room. bottom left corner you can see the door of the smaller of our 2 storage rooms. And you can see at the top of the photo we now have window wells!
This is where the bathroom will be. At the bottom of the photo you cant see it, but this is where the door to the HUGE storage room is. You can see the utility room (from a different angle) up in the top right corner.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Basement walls

 We now have basement walls! Here we are looking at the garage. This is the back of the house looking North.
 This is the front of the house looking South.
And here is the inside. It's still not much to look at but soon it will start taking shape!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

basement walls

It has been a really stressful 2 days for Jared and I. When we out to see the progress on the house tonight we were excited to see this!They have started the basement walls. Grant thought it was really neat to be able to see the "worker guys"  actually working on the house and "to see them in the hole" He is so funny!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's all about community

So this is the school from where our garage will be. It is about half a block walk, which will be so nice when Grant starts going there. I am sure there will be a house built in that empty lot, but this is the veiw for now.
 Looking South East
 Here you can see Jared is standing about where our porch will be and I am looking East. This will essentially be our front yard.
 This is a veiw looking West. If you are not familiar with Daybreak, this is what is called a green space. It is basically a shared space between houses. Our house will face North but as you can see there is a row of houses on the other side of the grass that faces South. We will all share this grass/yard area.
Some people dont like this idea. Jared and I love this idea for many different reasons. One of the reasons I love this is that my kids can go out front and play without having to worry about any cars. We have met several new neighbors already just from going out and checking the progress on the house. Everytime we are out there it seems we meet someone new. One couple that lives right across the grass from us has a little boy just a few months older than Grayson. I cant wait for them to be able to go out front and play together next summer. Grant has already met a few different boys his age who live really close as well!
This is a veiw from the street looking toward the houses across the grass from where our house will be! (Grayson's new little buddy lives in that yellow house)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our hole

This is where I will be documenting our house building adventure! If you care to, you can follow along and watch the progress as it is built. For those of you who dont know we are building our house out in Daybreak in the Eastlake area. Our lot sits directly North of the East Lake Elementary school. We have been told to expect the house to be done in early November, but we will see if it stays on schedule!

 Monday August 8 they started digging our hole! We were so excited that they were finally starting on it, after waiting for all the permits to be approved. This is our hole looking South.
 My boys in front of our hole. I am facing West, they are facing East.
 Looking North!
 We now have footings! (looking South)
They also put the landscaping in front of the house in this week! I will get a picture of that tonight when we go out there!