Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Plumbing and tractor fun!

 Grant was super excited tonight when we went out to check the (small amount) of progress on the house, to see that there was an UNATTENDED tractor! He was even more excited when I said "hey Grant, go sit on the wheel and I will take your picture" He says, "Mom will you really let me sit on it?" It was awesome!
 How freaking cute are these sweet boys!!

 There were still 2 workers that were sitting in their truck watching us do this. If they wouldnt have been there I would have let him get up in the tractor and sit in the seat. Maybe we will have another chance another day to let him do that. He would love that. Anyway, on to the house....
 We now have plumbing! YAY! I was explaining to Grant where the bathroom would be and the toilet would be hooked up, and he asks me, "So that tube is where our poop will go?" LOL I couldnt help but laugh. Yes buddy, that is correct!
In the top left corner is the utility room. bottom left corner you can see the door of the smaller of our 2 storage rooms. And you can see at the top of the photo we now have window wells!
This is where the bathroom will be. At the bottom of the photo you cant see it, but this is where the door to the HUGE storage room is. You can see the utility room (from a different angle) up in the top right corner.

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